Lesson 11: Personal Protection and Data Protection

  In this lesson we are going to talk about important tips and information that we need to know when using our computer: Nowadays we use our devices for everything, and they contain a lot of private information that we need to protect against possible cyber attacks. Therefore there are som recommendations that we should consider: - Keep our devices updated. - Use safe passwords (there are websites where you can check how good your password is). - Clean regularly your devices from cookie information. - Try to hide your wifi so that only those who know its name can have access to it. - Beware of spam emails that you may receive and always check the information and the source, to make sure that nobody is trying to trick you.  In addition, because of the importance of technologies nowadays, we also spend a lot of time in front of our computers. This is why there are some recommendations that we should consider: - Maintain a proper posture. - Make sure all elements from your enviro...

Lesson 9. Develop of digital contents: JCLICK (II)



This new entry of the blog is a continuation of the last one, also related to JClic. In this case we are going to do two more exercises:

Association exercise
This type of exercises allow us to create dynamic lessons, by associating images and text. You can choose different layout options and themes for the background.

Figure 1. Association exercise

Explore exercise

It is an interactive activity through which only by clicking on the image, they get some definiton or meaning with learning information about it. We can separate the image in square, make cuts, etc. I prepared an activity about the different parts of a Newspaper.

Figure 2. Exploration exercise

However, it is also possible to join two different activities
by going to the "Sequences" tab and choosing the "Jump to" option. In this case from two different members of the group, as just clicking on the arrows that are on the left corner where we can move from one activity to another.  

Figure 3. Joined exercises
