Lesson 11: Personal Protection and Data Protection

  In this lesson we are going to talk about important tips and information that we need to know when using our computer: Nowadays we use our devices for everything, and they contain a lot of private information that we need to protect against possible cyber attacks. Therefore there are som recommendations that we should consider: - Keep our devices updated. - Use safe passwords (there are websites where you can check how good your password is). - Clean regularly your devices from cookie information. - Try to hide your wifi so that only those who know its name can have access to it. - Beware of spam emails that you may receive and always check the information and the source, to make sure that nobody is trying to trick you.  In addition, because of the importance of technologies nowadays, we also spend a lot of time in front of our computers. This is why there are some recommendations that we should consider: - Maintain a proper posture. - Make sure all elements from your enviro...

Lesson 9. Develop of digital contents: JCLICK (I)

07. 04. 21

Today we are going to talk about JClic, which is a software quite similar to Hot Potatoes. Nevertheless, this one is easier to use, and we can create different activities using the same tool; it is not like Hot Potatoes, where we had to choose the activity that we had to do, and then several tabs would appear. In addition, JClic is a free software divided in three applications: one for teachers to design the activities (JAuthor), other for students to do them (Regular JClic) and another one for grading the activities (JReport).

We have prepared four different activities in order to learn how this software works:

Information screen (welcome activity): 
This is a simple introductory screen to let the students know what the activity is about. We can add information, set different colors, the sizes of the boxes and add things like a timer and an "error" count although in an information screen it should not be used.

Figure 1. Welcome activity

Puzzle activity: 
This activity splits an image in different equal-sized squares and mixes them so students can rearrange them on the side. It is an appealing activity, just like a regular puzzle. You can also change the settings for the size of the image, the color of the boxes, the display, the layout, etc. I used an image of a painting of a lady reading a newspaper.

Figure 2. Puzzle activity

Finding pairs activity
This activity is like a card matching game.
the programme allows users to use as many images as they want in order to create an activity in which children must find the pair for each picture.The students will have some images turned down and will have to click to reveal them and match them with the same pair. It is like a memory game. I did this exercise using different types of newspapers related to pictures.

Figure 3. Finding pairs

Finding pairs second activity: This activity is the same as the previous one, with the only exception that in this case there are not different images, but each one of the rectangles are the same image, separeted into different pieces.

Figure 4. Finding pairs second activity  
