Lesson 11: Personal Protection and Data Protection

  In this lesson we are going to talk about important tips and information that we need to know when using our computer: Nowadays we use our devices for everything, and they contain a lot of private information that we need to protect against possible cyber attacks. Therefore there are som recommendations that we should consider: - Keep our devices updated. - Use safe passwords (there are websites where you can check how good your password is). - Clean regularly your devices from cookie information. - Try to hide your wifi so that only those who know its name can have access to it. - Beware of spam emails that you may receive and always check the information and the source, to make sure that nobody is trying to trick you.  In addition, because of the importance of technologies nowadays, we also spend a lot of time in front of our computers. This is why there are some recommendations that we should consider: - Maintain a proper posture. - Make sure all elements from your environment hav

Lesson 6: Civic participation



This lesson is about Civic participation where it is understood as it seeks to involve citizens actively in decision making, planning and public matters management that affect their lives. Where administrations have developed many initiatives in the last years to encourage citizens to planning and execute public politics. Some examples are the Participatory Budgeting, the Referendum, the Civic queries and the Child plenary session:

  • Participatory Budgeting: allow cities and towns to educate , engage , and empower their citizens along with strengthening their governance.
  • Referendum: The decision making responsibility is transferred to the citizens, who will be in charge of decide, by voting and majority, which proposal will be carried out and which ones don't.
  • Civic queries: It consist on knowing the citizens opinions throw series of well -defined questions dealing with future public actions or assessment regarding the action of the authorities. 
  • Child plenary session: It is oriented to encourage democratic participation in the young citizens.

Actually, there are several levels of participation, dependending on the degree of citizzen's implication: 

  • Information (Information divulgation throw web pages and emails informative elements:several documents, web links, communications, calls, adverts, alerts, news, etc).
  • Communication (Bidirectional contacts list throw email and communication spaces in websites. Communicative elements: questions, suggestions, claims, comments, mails, calls and meeting organization, etc.).
  • Consult (Ways the governments, administrations and diverse organizations use to get citizens's opinions or its members. Consulting elements: referendums, questionnaires,survey, etc.)
  • Deliberation (Exam, assessment, reflection, debate and discussion processes regarding the decisions, opinions and values that are inherit to any topic or socio-political problem. Deliberating elements: forums, chats, debating spaces, etc.)
  • Participation (Election participation: electronic vote. Participation in activity oriented to making decisions; i.e. the result is binding for authorities; binding referendums or questionnaires, signature collection for legislative initiatives or to initiate civic polls in councils, etc.)

After that, we learnt the ICT applied to Civic participation as the telecommunication development and new ICT would allow citizens to on-line vote, get information about governmental politic or to question the represents. There will appear the active and implicated citizens, protagonist of the dream of a real democracy. Electronic civic participation consist on applying the ICT to encourage and easy the citizens participation in making decisions regarding public issues that could be of its interest. Depending on the technological tools, citizens rise different participation levels (participation stairs).

Some of the tools available to support the electronic way some of the tasks dealing with participation processes(questionnaires, debates, voting, …) are: Doodle, Google forms, Kahoot, Socrative, Mentimeter, etc.

Also we saw some features of the Electronic adminstration as it is the use of ICT in Public administration, combined with organisational change and new skills, to improve public services and democratic processes and to strengthen support for public policies.

Related to the Electronic administration we learnt about electronic signature as it is a set of electronic data that accompanies or is associated with an electronic document and whose basic functions are:  identify the signatory unequivocally, ensure the integrity of the signed document, ensures that the signed document is exactly the same as the original or confirm that the user has decided to sign a document, and avoid repudiation. Also to sign a document is necessary to have a digital certificate or an electronic ID (DNIe), where we will be able to access to administrative servies or information, official pages, etc. To higlhlight that electronic certificate or electronic ID contains cryptographic keys which are the elements necessary to sign.

Electronic administration have a tools to manage the electronic signature, CL@VE as it is a system aimed at unifying and simplifying citizens' electronic access to public services. Its main objective is that the citizen can identify himself in the electronic administration by means of keys (user plus password). It is a common platform for identification, authentication and electronic signature. Cl@ve complements current access systems by means of DNIe and digital certificate, and offers the possibility of signing in the cloud with personal certificates stored in remote servers. Cl@ve supports two possibilities of use: 

  • Cl@ve ocasional (Cl@ve PIN ): a password system with very limited validity in time, aimed at users who access the services sporadically, which corresponds to the AEAT's PIN24H system. 
  • Cl@ve permanent: a password system with long term validity, but not unlimited, oriented to regular users. It corresponds to the system of access by user and password, reinforced with single-use keys by SMS, to the Social Security services. This system will also allow citizens to access the signature in the cloud.

Finally we have citizen folder as it is a service that facilitates the relationship with the Public Administration. It does not contain information, it points to its location-origin. Interoperates with other similar initiatives. Access to your Citizen Folder requires identification through the Cl@ve authentication system. It allows access to: Status of files, Notifications, Personal data registered with the Administration, Your records and In the future, personal document area. 

Something that we need to keep on mind is the teacher's digital record e-teacher (Expediente digital del docente): e-Docente in Spanish, is a project developed by the Ministry of Education, which establish a data model to get professional information of the teacher in non-university grades. (Identification information, Academic data, Administrative history, Training and perfection, Other merits, Digital metadata of the record).


In this part we had to create a Doodle deciding the date of a meeting and answering the Doodle of the rest of the team members. Here we can see a screenshot of the Doodle created with some response:

Then we had to create a Google form to ask parents for permission on a field trip for my students where they can answer questions about their children's needs. Here we can see a link to the Google Forms to fill it out: 


And finally we had to create a user on Kahoot and pose a question with four possible answers and only one correct answer on your group's topic 
