Lesson 11: Personal Protection and Data Protection

  In this lesson we are going to talk about important tips and information that we need to know when using our computer: Nowadays we use our devices for everything, and they contain a lot of private information that we need to protect against possible cyber attacks. Therefore there are som recommendations that we should consider: - Keep our devices updated. - Use safe passwords (there are websites where you can check how good your password is). - Clean regularly your devices from cookie information. - Try to hide your wifi so that only those who know its name can have access to it. - Beware of spam emails that you may receive and always check the information and the source, to make sure that nobody is trying to trick you.  In addition, because of the importance of technologies nowadays, we also spend a lot of time in front of our computers. This is why there are some recommendations that we should consider: - Maintain a proper posture. - Make sure all elements from your environment hav

馃捇 Lesson 4. Interaction through digital technologies

26. 02. 21


馃摱 During this lesson we learnt some useful theorical concepts such as: Web 1.0, Web 2.0 or Social Web, Prosumers or Digital Identity.

馃攲 At the same time we saw how Virtual Learning Communities are important in order to help us. These Virtual Leaning Community can be consisted of Forums, Web Pages, Instant Messaging Applications or Social Networks. Related to the education field they can be used for: communicate ideas, add value to subjects, assist collaboration on projects, find up-to-date information or communicate with people all over the world.

 馃捇 Finally we learnt about Cybersecurity and Cyber Bullying:

✔ Cybersecurity (or on-line digital safety): is  the group of tools, politics, concepts regarding security, safeguards of security, directives, risks methods management, actions, training, ideal practices, locks and technologies that can be used to protect the actives of a company and its users in the cyber-environment.

✔ Cyber Bullying: if bulling is “unwanted, aggressive behaviour among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behaviour is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time”. Cyber-bulling can be defined as the action of bullying by on-line communication technologies (mobile phone, social network, e-mail, instantmessages, etc.) This behaviour can appear in adults, or even worse, in between adults and children or in between children.


In this part we had to think of a social network in order to create a virtual learning community to talk to other teachers and professionals about the topic we have chosen for our teaching unit. In this case we chose the educational social network: Google Classroom. Our space is called ''The life in a newspaper'' where we will talk about everything related to the newspaper and education. Our password is: xlufwcj.

After that we had to look for general information about this social network: Google Classroom is Google's tool for educational purposes. In this platform teachers and students are able to communicate and create a classroom as if they were at school but in this case through the Internet. Teachers have the possibility to give online classes and post exercises for students to do and share links or other relevant  information. Pupils can access from every device  and it is only needed  to have a Google account.

And we had to think why we have chosen that and why we think it is the best option: We think it can be a good option because we have used it while we were coursing la ESO, it's a very good way to communicate with your students and also to attach videos you want them to watch or even califfy them in some assignments you have sended. You can also set a deadline for those activities or for some projects you want your students to do in some period of time.

Finally, once we created the community on this social network, we generated some interaction, with some links, comments, questions, answers, etc.

Here we can see some posts published:

Finally I think that the use of virtual learning communities are a very important tool during the learning process because they are useful as they can really help students in order to make the subject more interesting for them, where they take part in understanding the main characteristics.

At the same time I think that because they are very useful and easy to use as everyone can use it with no need to install applications or programming knowledge, where the creating resources and content on educational topics are easily done.
